- 1 Spring 2016 II.pdf
- 1, APM 2016.pdf
- 1, APM 2017.pdf
- 1, APM 2018.pdf
- 1, APM 2019.pdf
- 1, APM 2021.pdf
- 1, External Auditors.pdf
- 1, January 2016.pdf
- 1, January 2017.pdf
- 1, January 2018.pdf
- 1, January, 2021.pdf
- 1, Spring, 2019.pdf
- 1, Spring.pdf
- 1,Accounts, 2016.jpg
- 10, November.pdf
- 10, October 2015.pdf
- 10, October 2017.pdf
- 10, October 2018.pdf
- 10, October.pdf
- 10October2019.pdf
- 11, December.pdf
- 11, November 2015.pdf
- 11, November 2017.pdf
- 11, November 2018.pdf
- 11, November.pdf
- 12, December 2015.pdf
- 12, December 2017.pdf
- 12, December 2018.pdf
- 12, December.pdf
- 12December.pdf
- 1AGARsigned.pdf
- 1January2020.pdf
- 2 Summer 17.pdf
- 2, Autumn.pdf
- 2, February 2017.pdf
- 2, February 2018.pdf
- 2, February, 2016.pdf
- 2, February, 2021.pdf
- 2, February.pdf
- 2, Winter, 2016.pdf
- 2,Governance, 2016.jpg
- 20-Bank-reconciliation.xlsx
- 21-Explanation-of-Variances-2021-22(1).xls
- 2February.pdf
- 3, April.pdf
- 3, Autumn.pdf
- 3, March 2017.pdf
- 3, March 2018.pdf
- 3, March, 2021.pdf
- 3, Winter, 2017.pdf
- 3,Internal Audit, 2016.jpg
- 3March.pdf
- 4, April 2017.pdf
- 4, April 2018.pdf
- 4, April.pdf
- 4, May.pdf
- 4AprilCrisis.pdf
- 5, June.pdf
- 5, May 2017.pdf
- 5, May 2018.pdf
- 5, May.pdf
- 5May.pdf
- 6, July.pdf
- 6, June 2017.pdf
- 6, June 2018.pdf
- 6, June.pdf
- 6June.pdf
- 7, August.pdf
- 7, July 2015.pdf
- 7, July 2017.pdf
- 7, July 2018.pdf
- 7, July.pdf
- 8, August 2015.pdf
- 8, August 2017.pdf
- 8, August 2018.pdf
- 8, August.pdf
- 8, September.pdf
- 8August2019.pdf
- 9, October.pdf
- 9, September 2015.pdf
- 9, September 2017.pdf
- 9, September 2018.pdf
- 9, September.pdf
- 9September2019.pdf
- AGAR part 3, 2021 - 2022 1.pdf
- AGAR part 3, 2021 - 2022 2.pdf
- AGAR signed.pdf
- APM 2014.pdf
- APM Agenda 2021.pdf
- APM Agenda 2022.pdf
- APM Minutes - 2022.pdf
- APM Minutes - April23 (draft).pdf
- APM Minutes - April24 (draft).pdf
- APM Noticeboard Agenda -April24.pdf
- APM Standing Orders, 2021.pdf
- APM, 2015.pdf
- Accounting Statement, 2015.pdf
- Agenda Extraordinary May.pdf
- Agenda Noticeboard, July.pdf
- Agenda, August.pdf
- Agenda, January.pdf
- Agenda, July.pdf
- Agenda, March.pdf
- Agenda, May 2022.pdf
- Agenda, notice board April.pdf
- Agenda, notice board Dec.pdf
- Agenda, notice board December.pdf
- Agenda, notice board February.pdf
- Agenda, notice board January.pdf
- Agenda, notice board June.pdf
- Agenda, notice board May.pdf
- Agenda, notice board Nov.pdf
- Agenda, notice board October.pdf
- Agenda, notice board Sept.pdf
- Agenda, notice board, November.pdf
- AgendaDec2019.pdf
- Agendanoticeboard.pdf
- AgendanoticeboardFeb2020.pdf
- AgendanoticeboardJan2020.pdf
- AgendanoticeboardJune.pdf
- AgendanoticeboardMarch.pdf
- AgendanoticeboardMay.pdf
- Annual Governance Statement, 2015.pdf
- April 2014.pdf
- April 2015.pdf
- Asset Register, 2018.pdf
- Asset Register, 2019.pdf
- Asset Register, 2021 - 2022.pdf
- AssetRegister2020.pdf
- Audit Conclusion, 2015.pdf
- Audit Conclusion.jpg
- August 2014.pdf
- Autumn 2014.pdf
- Bank-reconciliation.xlsx
- CPC AGAR, 2020 - 2021.pdf
- CPC Accounting Statements 2016 - 2017.jpg
- CPC Agenda - May24.pdf
- CPC Annual Governance Statement Policy, 2021.pdf
- CPC Complaint Procedure, 2021.pdf
- CPC Donations policy.pdf
- CPC EO Agenda - February24.pdf
- CPC EO Minutes - February24.pdf
- CPC External Audit, 2016.jpeg
- CPC Financial Regs 2021.pdf
- CPC Financial Regs 2022.pdf
- CPC Governance Statement 2016 - 2017.jpg
- CPC Health and Safety Policy, 2021.pdf
- CPC Information Data Protection Policy 2021.pdf
- CPC Investment Policy 2021.pdf
- CPC Minutes - April22.pdf
- CPC Minutes - April23.pdf
- CPC Minutes - April24.pdf
- CPC Minutes - August22 final.pdf
- CPC Minutes - August23.pdf
- CPC Minutes - August24.pdf
- CPC Minutes - December22 .pdf
- CPC Minutes - December23.pdf
- CPC Minutes - February23.pdf
- CPC Minutes - February24.pdf
- CPC Minutes - January22.pdf
- CPC Minutes - January23.pdf
- CPC Minutes - January24.pdf
- CPC Minutes - July23.pdf
- CPC Minutes - July24.pdf
- CPC Minutes - June22.pdf
- CPC Minutes - June23.pdf
- CPC Minutes - June24.pdf
- CPC Minutes - March22.pdf
- CPC Minutes - March23.pdf
- CPC Minutes - March24.pdf
- CPC Minutes - May22.pdf
- CPC Minutes - May23.pdf
- CPC Minutes - May24.pdf
- CPC Minutes - November22.pdf
- CPC Minutes - November23.pdf
- CPC Minutes - November24 (draft).pdf
- CPC Minutes - October22 .pdf
- CPC Minutes - October23.pdf
- CPC Minutes - October24 (draft).pdf
- CPC Minutes - September22.pdf
- CPC Minutes - September23.pdf
- CPC Minutes - September24.pdf
- CPC NOTICEBOARD Agenda - February24.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - April23.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - April24.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - August23.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - August24.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - December23.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - December24.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - February23.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - January24.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - July24.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - June 23.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - June24.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - March23.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - March24.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - May23.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - November23.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - November24.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - October23.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - October24.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - September23.pdf
- CPC Noticeboard Agenda - September24.pdf
- CPC NoticeboardAgenda - July23.pdf
- CPC Personnel Committee Agenda 070823.pdf
- CPC Personnel Committee Agenda 300924.pdf
- CPC Personnel Committee Noticeboard Agenda 180424.pdf
- CPC Privacy Policy Notice - v1.0.pdf
- CPC Publication Scheme 2021.pdf
- CPC RFO duties and responsibilities 2021.pdf
- CPC Risk Management Policy 2021.pdf
- CPC Risk Register 2021.pdf
- CPC Standing Orders, 2021.pdf
- CPC Standing Orders, 2022.pdf
- CPC bank_reconciliation_2018-19.pdf
- CPC explanation-of-variances-2018-19_0-1.pdf
- CPC explanation_of_variances_2020 -21.xls
- CPC-EmployersLiabilityCertificate2020.pdf
- CPCbankreconciliation2019-20.pdf
- CPCexplanationofvariances2019-20.pdf
- Can you stand for election P and C.pdf
- Casual Vacancy in the Office - Procedure.pdf
- CasualVacNotice Catterall May 2024 x 1 vacancy.docx.pdf
- Catterall Internal audit.jpg
- Catterall Parish Council - Employers Liability Certificate 2018.pdf
- Catterall Parish Council - To Whom it may concern 2021.pdf
- Catterall Parish Council Internal Audit Report 17 18.pdf
- Catterall in Bloom Portfolio 2018.pdf
- Catterall.pdf
- CatterallParishCouncil-EmployersLiabilityCertificate2019-1.pdf
- Cllr. Representatives, 2019.pdf
- Cllr.Representatives2020.pdf
- Code of Conduct, 2021.pdf
- Conclusion notice 2020.docx
- Conclusion notice 2020.pdf
- Conclusion of Audit 2022.pdf
- Councillor Reps, 2018.pdf
- December 2014.pdf
- Elector's Rights.jpg
- Electors Rights, 2016.jpg
- Electors Rights.jpg
- Employers Liability, 2017.jpg
- External Audit Report, 2015.pdf
- External Audit Report, 2018.pdf
- FOI Publication Scheme 2009.pdf
- FOI Publication Scheme 2020.pdf
- February 2014.pdf
- February 2015.pdf
- Flag flying dates 2023.pdf
- Governance signed.pdf
- Internal Audit Report, 2015.pdf
- Internal Audit, 2017.jpg
- January 2014.pdf
- January 2015.pdf
- July 2014.pdf
- July agenda.pdf
- June 2014.pdf
- June 2015.pdf
- LA0045AGAR.pdf
- LA0045S3.pdf
- March 2014.pdf
- March 2015.pdf
- May 2015.pdf
- New QEII Field for Crier.pdf
- Notice Board Agenda - December22.pdf
- Notice Board Agenda - January23.pdf
- Notice Board Agenda - November22.pdf
- Notice Board Agenda - October22.pdf
- Notice Board Agenda - September22.pdf
- Notice of Conclusion.jpg
- NoticeofConclusion.pdf
- November 2014.pdf
- October 2014.pdf
- P01 - Apr24 - SPID LC21 Garstang Rd - Summary.pdf
- P02 - May24 - SPID Post Cock Robin Lane - Summary.pdf
- P03 - June24 - SPID LC48 Garstang Rd - Summary.pdf
- P05 - Aug 23 - SPID LC23 Garstang Rd Summary.pdf
- P05 - Aug24 - SPID LC4 Baylton Drive - Summary.pdf
- P06 - Sept 23 - SPID LC5 Catterall Gates Lane Summary.pdf
- P06 - Sept24 - SPID LC30 Garstang Rd - Summary.pdf
- P07 - Oct 23 - SPID LC21 Garstang Rd Summary.pdf
- P07- Oct24 - SPID LC30 Garstang Rd - Summary.pdf
- P08 - Nov 23 - SPID LC6 Cock Robin Lane Summary.pdf
- P08 - Nov24 - SPID LC21 Garstang Rd - Summary.pdf
- P08 - Nov24 - SPID LC6 Cock Robin Lane - Summary.pdf
- P09 - Dec 22 - SPID LC30 Garstang Rd Summary.pdf
- P09 - Dec 23 - SPID LC48 Garstang Rd Summary.pdf
- P10 - Jan 23 - SPID LC4 Baylton Drive Summary.pdf
- P10 - Jan 24 - SPID LC23 Garstang Rd Summary.pdf
- P11 - Feb 23 - SPID LC6 Cock Robin Lane Summary.pdf
- P11 - Feb 24 - SPID Post Joe Lane Summary.pdf
- P12 - Mar 23 - SPID Post Cock Robin Lane Summary.pdf
- P12 - Mar 24 - SPID Post Joe Lane Summary.pdf
- ParishnoticeofelectionMay2023.pdf
- Person agenda.pdf
- Privacy Policy Notice - Web site.pdf
- Public CPC Personnel Committee Agenda 031023.pdf
- Public CPC Personnel Committee Minutes 030924.pdf
- Public CPC Personnel Committee Minutes 031023.pdf
- Public CPC Personnel Committee Minutes 061222.pdf
- Public CPC Personnel Committee Minutes 070823.pdf
- Public Right to Inspect Dates.pdf
- Public Rights, .docx
- Public Rights, 2021.docx
- Public Rights, CPC.pdf
- Public rights notice.docx
- PublicRights2020.pdf
- Publicrightsnotice.pdf
- QEII Update.pdf
- September 2014.pdf
- Signed Annual Accounts, 2018.jpg
- Signed Annual Gov, 2018.jpg
- Spring 2014.pdf
- Spring 2015.pdf
- Summer 2014.pdf
- Winter, 2015.pdf
- Your Rights ACCOUNTS-1.pdf
- Your Rights ACCOUNTS.pdf
- about the parish council.pdf
- application form.docx
- application process.pdf
- august 2022 notice board agenda.pdf
- bank_reconciliation_2017-18_0.pdf
- cpc minutes 2 august 2022.pdf
- cpc minutes 5 july 2022.pdf
- job description.pdf
- person spec.pdf
- privacy-policy CPC, Final.pdf
- 1, External Auditors.pdf
- 1AGARsigned.pdf
- 20-Bank-reconciliation (8).xlsx
- 20-Bank-reconciliation-CPC.xlsx
- 21-Explanation-of-Variances-2021-22.xls
- 21-Explanation-of-Variances-2023-24.xls
- 3606 - CPC Scheme Of Delegation - v1.0.pdf
- 3607 - CPC Safeguarding Policy - v1.0.pdf
- 3650 - CPC Email Protocol - v1.0.pdf
- 3696 - CPC Privacy Policy Notice - v1.0.pdf
- 3734 - CPC Management of Transferable Data v1.2.pdf
- 3734 - CPC Publication Scheme 2023.pdf
- 3734 - CPC Recording at Parish Council Meetings - v1.0.pdf
- 3735c - APM Standing Orders 2023.pdf
- 3735d - CPC Financial Regs 2023.pdf
- 3735e - CPC RFO duties and responsibilities 2023-24 v1.2.pdf
- 3735f - CPC Investment Policy - v1.3.pdf
- 3735h - CPC Risk Management Policy - v1.3.pdf
- 3735i - CPC Risk Register 2023 - v1.2.pdf
- 3775 - CPC Complaint Procedure v1.2.pdf
- 3817a Asset Policy.pdf
- 3817b Appendix A - List of Documents for Retention or Disposal.pdf
- 3817b Document Retention and Disposal Policy.pdf
- 3817c Casual Vacancy in the Office - Procedure.pdf
- 3868a CPC Sickness Policy v1.2.pdf
- 3868b CPC TOIL Policy v1.2.pdf
- 3868d CPC Grievance Policy v2.0.pdf
- 3868e CPC Disciplinary Policy v2.0.pdf
- 3868f CPC Lone Workers Policy v2.0.pdf
- 3868g CPC Equality and Diversity Policy v2.0 (draft).pdf
- 3918 Freedom of the Parish nomination form.docx
- 3918 Freedom of the Parish scheme v.1.pdf
- 3953a - CPC Code of Conduct 2024.pdf
- 3953b -CPC Standing Orders 2024.pdf
- 3953c - APM Standing Orders 2024.pdf
- 3953d - CPC Financial Regs 2024.pdf
- 3953e - CPC RFO duties and responsibilities 2024 v1.3.pdf
- 3953f - CPC Investment Policy - v1.4.pdf
- 3953h - CPC Risk Management Policy - v1.4.pdf
- 3953i - CPC Risk Register 2024 - v1.3.pdf
- 4005 - CPC Financial Regs 2024 - v3.0.pdf
- AGAR part 3, 2020 - 2021.url
- AGAR part 3, 2021 - 2022 1.pdf
- AGAR part 3, 2021 - 2022 1.url
- AGAR part 3, 2021 - 2022 2.pdf
- AGAR part 3, 2021 - 2022 2.url
- AGAR signed.pdf
- Account Variances 2019.url
- Account Variances 2020.url
- Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2020.url
- Annual Governance Statement Policy.url
- Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021-22.url
- Annual Governance and Accountability Return 202223 Form 3.pdf
- Annual Internal Audit Report 202324.pdf
- Asset Register 2023 V2.pdf
- Asset Register 2024.pdf
- Audit Public Rights.url
- Bank Reconciliation 2019.url
- Bank Reconciliation 2020.url
- Bank Reconciliation, 2021.url
- Bank Reconciliation, 2022.url
- Bank-reconciliation 2022-23.xlsx
- Bank-reconciliation.xlsx
- CPC AGAR, 2020 - 2021.pdf
- CPC Annual Governance Statement Policy, 2021.pdf
- CPC Code of Conduct 2023.pdf
- CPC Dignity at Work v1.2.pdf
- CPC Financial Regs 2021.pdf
- CPC Financial Regs 2022 (1).pdf
- CPC Financial Regs 2022.pdf
- CPC Investment Policy 2021.pdf
- CPC RFO duties and responsibilities 2021.pdf
- CPC Risk Management Policy 2021.pdf
- CPC Risk Register 2021.pdf
- CPC Standing Orders 2023.pdf
- CPC bank_reconciliation_2018-19.pdf
- CPC explanation-of-variances-2018-19_0-1.pdf
- CPC explanation_of_variances_2020 -21.xls
- CPCbankreconciliation2019-20.pdf
- CPCexplanationofvariances2019-20.pdf
- Catterall Council Accounts 2019.url
- Catterall Council Governance 2019.url
- Catterall Council Internal Audit 2019.url
- Catterall Internal audit.jpg
- Conclusion notice 2020.pdf
- Conclusion of Audit 2022.pdf
- Conclusion of Audit 2022.url
- Conclusion of Audit 2023.pdf
- Conclusion of Audit 2024.pdf
- Conclusion of Audit, 2020.url
- Explanation-of-Variances-2022-23.xls
- External Auditors Report 2019.url
- External Auditors Report and Certificate.url
- Financial Regulations-.url
- Governance signed.pdf
- Investment Policy.url
- LA0045 AGAR.pdf
- LA0045 S3.pdf
- LA0045AGAR.pdf
- LA0045S3.pdf
- Notice of Audit Conclusion 2019.url
- Notice of Public Rights 22-23 - A summary of your rights.pdf
- Notice of Public Rights 22-23.pdf
- Notice of Public Rights 23-24.pdf
- Notice of Public Rights 24-25 - A summary of your rights.pdf
- NoticeofConclusion.pdf
- Public Rights 2019.url
- Public Rights 2020.url
- Public Rights Notice 2019.url
- Public Rights Notice 2020.url
- Public Rights Notice II.url
- Public Rights Notice.url
- Public Rights, 2021.docx
- Public Rights, CPC.pdf
- Public Rights.docx
- Public rights notice 2.docx
- Public rights notice.docx
- PublicRights2020.pdf
- Publicrightsnotice.pdf
- RFO Duties and Responsibilities.url
- Registration Certificate - Z9353217.pdf
- Risk Management Policy.url
- Section 1 - Annual Governance Statement 202324.pdf
- Section 2 - Accounting Statements 202324 for.pdf
- Variances of accounts, 2021.url
- Variances of accounts, 2022.url
- Your Rights ACCOUNTS-1.pdf